Arduino: What, Who and How to use it | Learn Arduino Basic

If you are a electronics hobbyist or if you are from engineering background then you have probably heard about ARDUINO. If yes then well and good and if not then I will tell you about it in the following post........

arduino uno in box original high resolution
Arduino UNO R3 in the original box

So first question

What is Arduino ?

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software. It's intended for anyone making interactive projects.

Basically it is an "open-source" means anyone can use and modify it and sell their own version without taking the permission of original owner.

It is a electronics board which helps you to
Make Your Own Hardware, Run Your Own Program

Who Should Use Arduino ?

Arduino can be used by any one whether a person with electronics as a interest or a enginnering student to make models or some person who wants to interact with its computer using sensors.

Arduino is an inexpensive board which is available for nearly $25 (INR1500) but having endless possibilities.

How to use Arduino ?

Using arduino is no big deal, technically its just like plugging your pendrive and start working with it.
But there are various steps to configure arduino which you can learn by Clicking Here.

arduino connected to an usb-b cable connection
Arduino connected to USB-B cable

So basically Arduino is an open-source microcontroller which you can use to play around and interact with the physical world present around you. So pursue you hobby and happy Arduinoing.

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